IPO of PT Martina Berto, Tbk Exciting Cosmetic Iindustry INDONESIA
January 13, 2011 - PT Martina Berto Page - Martha Tilaar Group, a
listed company with trading code "MBTO", today officially listed its
shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the release of 355
million new shares, equivalent to 33.17% from issued and paid-up capital.
in the calculation of demand for the IPO on January 10, 2011 at 18:00
by the three parties namely the Administrative Bureau of Securities
(BAE), MBTO and Trimegah (Trimegah), subscribe for shares has been
subject to oversubscribe MBTO 52 times.
to Bryan David Emil, president of MBTO, "Excess demand for shares up to
52 times during the offer shows MBTO stock is very attractive to
investors. We are optimistic that demand for our shares will continue trading skyrocketed from beginning to the future "
From the initial price range set, ie 650 - Rp850, share prices determined MBTO Rp740 per share. MBTO
stock carrying on the trading floor, is a momentum for the Company to
further develop and promote their business in the future.
Karman, Director Trimegah as underwriters of issuance, said, "The total
number pooling portion received as many as 370,809,637 shares, it then
becomes an indication of excess demand as much as 52 times the share of
such pooling." "This also indicates the stimulation of Indonesian cosmetic industry in the stock"
also said, "We are very grateful to all at once grateful to the
investors, because this (oversubscribe 52 times) is the real proof of
public confidence over MBTO"
a few weeks ago had a roadshow to Singapore and Hong Kong get a big
demand from foreign investors to the stock MBTO in the bookbuilding
period. However,
because of the name Martha Tilaar and brands are produced Martha Tilaar
Group, the company is well known in the country, demand for shares than
domestic investors also doubled.
from the IPO is approximately 54% will be used to finance the
construction of a new factory in Cikarang and the purchase of machinery
and production tools and utilities. And
the rest will be used to finance working capital (working capital),
such as renovation of the warehouse, the development of Martha Tilaar
Shop (MTS) as a customer service center in the country and as a market
entry point for the Asia-Pacific, and various other development.
the success of this IPO, MBTO position as cosmetics companies and spas
for color cosmetic category will increase to rank one, and ranked third
in the category of skin care.
hope the future will be one of cosmetics and spa company to reckon with
in the Asia-Pacific," said Bryan during IPO listing (listing) in
Indonesia Stock Exchange today.
Overview of PT Martina Berto Page - Martha Tilaar Group
PT Martina Berto Page - Martha Tilaar Group started from a home industry which was established in 1977. Majority
ownership of shares owned by PT Inti Marthana Megahayu 99.98%, and the
rest is owned by PT and PT Bringin Wulanki Ayu Martha Megahayu who each
get 0.01% stake. The first trademark issued by the Company and is known widely by the people of Indonesia is Sari Ayu Martha Tilaar.
managed to become the first cosmetics factory in Indonesia to achieve
ISO 9001 certification for quality management system in 1996. Not
only that, in 2000 the Company re-certification for different fields,
namely ISO 14001 certification for environmental management systems, as
well as GMP certificate - CPKB & CPOTB.
performance and development of PT Martina Berto, PT - Martha Tilaar
Group, which so rapidly, many national awards from both international
mapun also been obtained, even recently received the "Top 10 Company
Award Leader" who received DR. Martha
Tilaar from UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, at the UN Global Compact
Leaders Summit in New York on the success of PT Martina Berto, PT. -
Martha Tilaar Group in running the programs covered by the Global
Compact's 10 principles of ethics such as human rights, labor,
environmental sustainability and anti-corruption in line with the eight
millennium development goals.
the slogan "Local Wisdom Go Global", the Company had the vision to
become one of the company's cosmetics and spa products industry (Beauty
& Spa) with the nuances of the world's leading natural and cultural
values east through product innovation and modern technology to
maximize value to our interested parties.
objectives to be achieved within the next few years is to put yourself
in 3 major industrial companies and cosmetic spa product in Indonesia. And afterwards, became one of the industry's leading cosmetics and spa products in Asia-Pacific.
For further information, please contact:
Corporate Secretary
PT Martina Berto language.
Jl. Pulo Kambing II No.. 1
Pulogadung Industrial Estate
East Jakarta
T. (021) 4603717 - 19
F. (021) 46826316
E. corpsecretary@martinaberto.co.id
Other News:
Local Wisdom Go Global
To be one of the world’s leading companies in cosmetics and spa industry with natural nuances and eastern values through product innovation and modern technology to optimize added value to stakeholders
Short Term Objective
To be Top 3 in Indonesian cosmetics and spa industry
Medium Term Objective
To be one of Asia Pacific players in cosmetics and spa industry